TITLE: INDUSTRIAL ARTS TEACHER (Woodshop & Construction Trades)


QUALIFICATIONS:  Colorado Teaching Certificate with appropriate endorsement; Minimum of bachelor degree from an accredited institution as well as CTE (Career Tech Education) certification strongly preferred.


REPORTS TO:  Principal


JOB GOAL:  To provide high quality educational opportunities to the students of Custer County School District




  1. Accurately defines and teaches to the developmental abilities of students.
  2. Applies learning theory in practice to accommodate differences in how students learn, including accommodating differences in student intelligence, perception and cognitive style.
  3. Continually seeks to integrate multiple contents into curriculum.  


  1. Demonstrates knowledge and application of state and locally adopted content standards.
  2. Demonstrates knowledge of the academic structure of the teacher’s content areas, its tools of inquiry, central concepts and connections to other domains of knowledge.
  3. Identifies the developmental stages by which learners gain mastery of the content area, applying appropriate strategies to assess the stage of learning of students in the subject and applying appropriate strategies, including collaborating with others, to facilitate student’s development.
  4. Draws from a wide repertoire of strategies and applications of technology and adapts and applies those strategies within the instructional context.
  5. Connects the content area to other areas and to practical situations encountered outside the school.
  6. Stays current in the teacher’s content area, demonstrating its relationship with and applications to classroom activities, life, work and community.
  7. Incorporates elements of STEM into classroom/shop setting in an effort to foster and reinforce core subjects.
  8. Works to introduce and implement industry and current technology into classroom/lab environment (Computer Assisted Manufacturing).


  1. Organizes and delivers instruction based on the characteristics of the students and performance criteria related to district content standards.
  2. Creates, selects, adapts and uses a variety of instructional resources to facilitate student attainment of performance standards.
  3. Uses a variety of assessments to provide evidence of student proficiency toward the content standards.
  4. Organizes and maintains records on student’s learning, and uses a variety of methods to communicate student progress to students, parents, administrators and other appropriate audiences.
  5. Reflects on information gained from assessments and adjusts teaching practices, as appropriate to facilitate student progress toward attainment of performance standards.


  1. Creates instructional goals and activities, interactions, and a classroom environment that conveys high expectations for student achievement.
  2. Clearly communicates standards and assessment criteria to students.
  3. Develops directions and classroom procedures that are clear to students.
  4. Creates procedures to ensure students’ appropriate and safe use of tools and machinery.  
  5. Demonstrates genuine caring and respect for individual students.


  1. Promotes and maintains regular and meaningful communication between the classroom and the student.
  2. Listens respectfully to parent’s concerns while respecting their perspective.
  3. Participates in school-wide efforts to communicate with the broader community and involve parents and families in student learning.
  4. Connects, through instructional strategies, the school and classroom activities with student homes, workplaces and the community.
  5. Involves parents and families in setting and monitoring student learning goals.


  1. Maintains a high standard of professional ethics.
  2. Adheres to building and district policies, regulations and procedures.
  3. Maintains and submits accurate, complete records as required.
  4. Communicates, works cooperatively and develops professional relationships with colleagues, and participates in collaborative efforts to improve the school such as the Strategic Action Plans.
  5. Effectively performs related supervision as assigned, accepts suggestions for improvement when offered and follows District Policy and instructions of the Principal and Superintendent.
  6. Maintains a positive attitude about school staff and students.
  7. Ability to see out, apply for, and administer vocational and/or industrial grants (e.g. Carl Perkins).